The Perfect Time To Plant

Our tool calculates the best planting times based on your location and the types of seedlings you want to grow.
1. Pick Your Seedlings:
Just choose what you want to grow. Our tool covers a wide variety of plants.
2. Tell Us Where You Grow:
Your location is key for tailored planting times.
3. Your Personal Planting Schedule:
Our tool provides a planting schedule based on your seedling choice and location. Determine the ideal time to plant, and the growing season for your crops.
Recommended Transplant Date:
Average Last Frost Date:
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The Smart Way to Plant: A Tool for Better Timing

Timing is crucial for gardening success — knowing when to plant is just as important as knowing what to plant.
That's why we've created a tool for gardeners to plant at optimal times, and to ensure thriving gardens.
Why lt Works

Why lt Works

Our tool is smart because it’s localized. We understand that gardening isn’t one-size-fits-all. By evaluating local climate data and plant-specific needs, the tool offers caters to where you’re gardening.
Vego garden beds

Soil Cost Calculator

Beyond caring for your plants, having the right amount of soil is crucial for gardening success.