
About Arietza

Arietza was born in Mexico and graduated with an Occupational Safety and Hygiene degree in Houston, Texas. After moving to Croatia in 2019, she decided to pursue her true passion for writing. With her background in safety reporting, Arietza applies her attention to detail in her writing on travel, gardening, and budget living. Beyond writing, she enjoys morning swims with her husband and dog in the Adriatic Sea, exploring Europe, and indulging in stone-oven pizza and gelato. With her captivating writing style and curiosity-driven nature, Arietza is a welcomed addition as one of our partnered authors, engaging readers with unique perspectives and genuine enthusiasm.

Latest from Arietza

Easy Ways To Keep My Garden Alive  While I'm Away On Holiday
Easy Ways To Keep My Garden Alive While I'm Away On Holiday
Heading on vacation is enjoyable, but the shift into vacation mode can occupy so much mental space that various responsibilities may slip through the cracks. One of these overlooked tasks could be the maintenance of our gardens. It's not uncommon...
3 min read
Grow A Rosemary Plant From The Grocery Store
Grow A Rosemary Plant From The Grocery Store
Here's the thing – every time I buy rosemary at the store, I tend to forget about it in my fridge until it's too late to bring it back to life. What am I supposed to do with so much...
3 min read
Difference Between Host Plant and Pollinator Plant
Difference Between Host Plant and Pollinator Plant
In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the crucial role that pollinators play in maintaining the health of ecosystems and supporting biodiversity. Creating a pollinator-friendly garden is an excellent way to support the biodiversity of your region,...
3 min read
How To Safely Get Rid Of Wasps In Your Garden
How To Safely Get Rid Of Wasps In Your Garden
As the warm weather of early spring and late summer rolls around, so do the unwelcome guests in your garden: wasps. These buzzing insects, including yellow jackets, paper wasps, and bald-faced hornets, can be quite a nuisance and even pose...
4 min read
Ultimate List of Pros and Cons Of Metal Raised Garden Beds
Ultimate List of Pros and Cons Of Metal Raised Garden Beds
Raised beds have indeed revolutionized gardening, offering a practical and aesthetically pleasing solution for cultivating in limited spaces. They provide a way to contain your garden within a defined area, preventing it from taking over your backyard.  In this blog...
3 min read
Drought Tolerant Plants for Forgetful Gardeners
Drought Tolerant Plants for Forgetful Gardeners
Drought-tolerant plants have emerged as a sustainable and eco-friendly option for gardens, particularly in light of climate change and rising temperatures. And, let's be honest, they're a blessing for those of us who might be a tad forgetful when it...
4 min read
10 Best Cover Systems For Raised Garden Beds
10 Best Cover Systems For Raised Garden Beds
Are you looking to get the most out of your home vegetable garden or raised garden bed?  Whether you're an experienced gardener or just starting out, it's important to know the different cover systems and which ones can benefit your...
4 min read
How to Edge your Garden Bed:  Surprisingly Simple Steps
How to Edge your Garden Bed: Surprisingly Simple Steps
One great way to enhance the appearance of your garden beds is by maintaining well-trimmed garden edges.  Keep reading to find step-by-step instructions on how to trim and maintain garden edges from garden beds, along with the right tools, organic...
4 min read
Vermicompost Guide for Beginners
Vermicompost Guide for Beginners
Vermicomposting is a sustainable and eco-friendly solution right in your own home garden. This centuries-old practice involves using earthworms to transform kitchen scraps and organic matter into nutrient-rich worm manure, also known as vermicompost or "black gold." In this comprehensive...
5 min read
How Your Garden Benefits From Companion Planting
How Your Garden Benefits From Companion Planting
Companion planting is a well-known gardening technique that has been practiced for centuries. It involves planting different species of plants in close proximity to one another, strategically leveraging their relationships to improve the health and productivity of your vegetable garden. ...
4 min read

About Arietza

Arietza was born in Mexico and graduated with an Occupational Safety and Hygiene degree in Houston, Texas. After moving to Croatia in 2019, she decided to pursue her true passion for writing. With her background in safety reporting, Arietza applies her attention to detail in her writing on travel, gardening, and budget living. Beyond writing, she enjoys morning swims with her husband and dog in the Adriatic Sea, exploring Europe, and indulging in stone-oven pizza and gelato. With her captivating writing style and curiosity-driven nature, Arietza is a welcomed addition as one of our partnered authors, engaging readers with unique perspectives and genuine enthusiasm.