Oh Deer: How to Keep Wildlife Out of the Garden

Deer are cute but not when they are determined to destroy your garden!

Dealing with wildlife, particularly deer, can be challenging when they persistently cause significant damage, especially during the growing season.

Here are some strategies to keep deer out of your garden, from physical barriers to scent-based repellents. All these tips come from gardeners who have tried and tested different methods that worked for them. While not everyone had the same results, these tips are shared because they have proven effective for some.

Physical barriers

Tall wire fences: Building a fence is one of the most effective ways to keep deer out of your garden. However, it’s important to note that deer can jump quite high. For the best results, your fence should be at least eight feet tall. While building a fence is the most expensive solution among all others, it remains the most effective way to protect your property.

Electric fences: Electric fences deliver a mild shock without causing harm. Many brands offer easy installation options, but it's crucial to check product labels and carefully follow installation instructions.

The cost of electric fencing varies widely based on factors like fence type, length, and additional features. Basic electric fencing kits, which include the energizer, wiring, posts, and insulators, typically range from $200 to $500 for small areas.

For larger perimeters, costs can vary from can be double that. Overall, the cost of electric fencing can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars, depending on the complexity and scale of the project.

Netting and tree wraps: For smaller areas or specific plants, netting and tree wraps have proven to be effective barriers. They protect young plants and trees from being nibbled and trampled, especially young growing trees, which are favorites of deer.

Plant selection

Deer-resistant plants: Deer-resistant plants typically have strong smells, taste or textures that deer find unappealing, and planting these around your garden can create a natural barrier.

Smell: Some plants produce natural compounds that deer dislike, such as aromatic oils or alkaloids. For example, plants like lavender, catmint, and sage use these fragrances to mask the scent of more appealing plants, like leafy greens.

Texture: Plants with fuzzy or prickly textures like lamb's ear or thorny roses are less palatable to deer, as they prefer softer foliage. Note that no plant is entirely deer-proof. In times of extreme hunger or scarcity of preferred foods, deer may still nibble on supposedly deer-resistant plants.

Taste: While deer love leafy greens you can strategically hide them with crops like hot peppers and herbs such as garlic and chives around your garden to confuse them.

What works in one area may not be as effective in another; the success of using deer-resistant plants also depends on local deer populations, individual deer preferences, and environmental conditions.

Scent-based repellents

Essential oils like peppermint and eucalyptus in spray form can effectively repel deer. Commercial repellents are also available at local agricultural stores and work by giving off scents like garlic or rotten eggs that deter deer. Choose products that align with your gardening standards to avoid chemicals that could compromise your garden's organic integrity.

Natural scents

Human hair, fabric softener sheets, and bars of soap are simple, natural deterrents and hanging them around your garden can create a scent barrier that deters deer.

Another option is to use blood meal, a fertilizer with a strong odor. However, pay attention that the ingredients in the mix do not compromise the organic integrity of your garden.

Scare tactics

Motion: Motion-activated lights and sprinklers can startle deer, deterring them from entering your garden. It's important to note that deer can become accustomed to predictable patterns, so ensure these devices have random settings to prevent habituation.

Wind chimes and Garden décor: Wind chimes and other noisy garden decorations can deter deer by creating unexpected sounds. As mentioned above, deer may become accustomed to these over time, so it’s best to use them in combination with other methods.

Dogs: The presence and scent of a dog can make deer feel unsafe, reducing the likelihood of a deer invasion. Breeds such as Great Pyrenees, German Shepherds, Anatolian Shepherds, and Akbash dogs are traditionally used as livestock guardians and are effective in warding off deer due to their size, protective instincts, and territorial nature.

Small dogs, such as Jack Russell Terriers, Dachshunds, or Chihuahuas, may not have the intimidating presence of larger breeds, but they are known for their alertness and tendency to bark at perceived threats. Their high-pitched barks and active nature can startle deer and disrupt their feeding or browsing behavior.

However, it's important to note that dogs and deer can become accustomed to each other over time, so some training may be necessary. Additionally, consider choosing a breed that fits well with your lifestyle and environment.

Biological controls and natural predators

Now, not everyone may want mountain lions around solely to deter deer, so instead consider smaller predators like owls.

Raptors such as eagles, hawks, and owls occasionally prey on young deer or fawns. Providing habitat that supports bird populations, including trees for perching and hunting, can indirectly encourage their presence while also helping control smaller wildlife pests.

Additional effective strategies

Fishing line: Stringing a fishing line around your garden is a simple but effective way to confuse deer because the line is so fine they can't see it, which makes them wary and skittish when they bump into it.

Planting in the right place: Place deer-attracting plants closer to your home, where there is more human activity, to deter deer. Additionally, consider growing crops in raised garden beds or on decks to prevent deer from accessing and damaging them.

Creating unpleasant terrain: Deer don’t like navigating rocky or uneven ground, therefore consider using broad rocky borders around garden beds to make the terrain less appealing to explore.

Final thoughts

Sometimes the solution to your problem isn't a straightforward solution but a combination of strategies. This process may require some trial and error until you find the best solution that works for your specific situation!